From cutting techniques that keep your pet’s hair in check to removing matted hair, we can get even the most tangled coats back in shape. No matter the breed-whether you have a dog or cat with an undercoat, a curly mane, short hair, long hair or no hair-our Grooming Academy-Trained Pet Stylists are skilled and experienced, no matter the task.
Our groomers use specially formulated pet shampoos and conditioners to help soothe and improve skin and coat.
At PetSmart, our professional Pet Stylists will do anything for your pet. It takes a special set of skills to help pets look and feel their best. Be sure to flag any special conditions with your groomer and note all pertinent information on the provided salon card. Older pets, those with special challenges, pets who have recently experienced stressful life changes or injuries are at higher risk of experiencing stress or aggravating a condition during grooming. Pets who have recently been vaccinated, have active infections or have underlying health issues are at higher risk of injury from stress. Health & welfare: Grooming or bathing your pet once about every four-to-six weeks, either at home or with a professional groomer, will keep your pet happy and healthy and allow them to be regularly checked for any abnormalities, such as ticks, fleas and dry patches or problems with nails, teeth, ears and eyes.

You can help prepare them for grooming by touching their paws during play, getting them accustomed to the groomers who will handle their paws and using common household items (like an electric toothbrush) to acclimate them to the humming noise and vibrations of hair clippers and nail grinders. This will also help them get used to the activity, smells and sounds of the salon. Visit the salon: Stop by the Grooming Salon several days before the appointment and introduce your pet to the groomer.Be sure to flag any stress triggers, as well as calming techniques, with your groomer. For example, some pets become uncomfortable around other pets, or when they are exposed to loud noises, such as barking. Understand your pet’s triggers: The salon can be a noisy place and may cause nervousness in some pets.