
Idle monster td tech tree max
Idle monster td tech tree max

Enjoy your new max waves - Slightly improved tank gold upgrades across all menus. All the maxable research should already be maxed - so it's good you're already there. As for research and whatnot it all depends on what you have. Make sure only two godlies are set to attack - usually Conduit and one other. Changes: - Slowed down enemy HP scaling after wave 3500 and again after wave 5000 to ease the end-game grind. A good general setup is Fluffiest and Fluffier at the front on skill support, all 4 Godlies, and all 4 Exotics. Two new Leaderboard Icons added to each category. Your first one of each day is free, with your second summon costing 100 essence. Three additional upgrades at the bottom of the Tech Tree. Q: How much essence do I need to kill Tech Ships?

idle monster td tech tree max

You can use this workbook to calculate how much HP a Tech Ship will have after 'x' kills to see where you currently stand with your highest dps: There are a lot of great upgrades in the tech tree though, so. There's no definitive answer to this as it's based on your damage which has a variety of different sources and is different for everyone. Note: For the daily mission you do not have to kill the Necromancer, you just have to summon it. Q: What level do I need to be to kill 'x' Tech Ships? You should set a long term goal of 100 Prestige Points with the bulk of your points going to Gold, as these help with long-term progression, but you can also start filling out the rest of the DPS tree. 🛑 STOP AND READ THIS: 🛑 Next, always have a goal of increasing your gold per kill and prestige points. Monster Cooldown (for more Gold Lust spell casting).Afterward, here's the general order of priority: Get Nimbus first, Squidler second, and max mission gems asap. In short, always go down the rightmost path on the tech tree first to get the +1 tech scroll upgrades, and if you want to make the most scrolls, wait until you reroll artifacts after clearing wave 750 to start killing ships.

idle monster td tech tree max

Since tech ship HP increases every time you kill one, you should maximize your early kills.


It tells you how to spend your gems to optimize tech scroll gain. How to get Energy Prestige Points Tech Points Tourney points What kind of enemies are there I'm covering it in this video 0:00 Introduction0:50 What ki. First, if you're getting near wave 400, read this guide before you kill your first tech ship ( Here). There are about 9-10 ways to progress in this game: Tower Level (Gold, lasts for an entire prestige) Monster Attribute Level (Tower XP) Multi-Card DPS (Essence) 3.5 Spells (Essence, short-term boost) Research (Essence) Artifacts (Wave) Relics (Prestige Points) Tech Tree (Scrolls) Tournament (Tournament Points) Premium Upgrades (Gems/Money) It's unlikely that you've explored all of these.Although you can benefit from the Tech Tree before wave 400 by acquiring Resource Packs, this is very much not recommended. You're able to unlock it relatively early on, but you should only look into after wave 400, which is when you unlock Tech Ships that drop scrolls, the only currency used in the Tech Tree. The Tech Tree is where you spend Tech Scrolls.

idle monster td tech tree max

Q: What's the Tech Tree and how do I unlock and use it?

Idle monster td tech tree max