Rowing Australia: Finding your optimal drag factor and damper setting A 60+ lightweight woman rows between 100 and 110, and a 50+ heavyweight woman rows at 120.Ĭoncept2: The Damper and Drag of Olympians A 35+ lightweight male told me he likes to row with low resistance of 100 because it feels more like being on the water and is easier on his back. He used to row around 130, but as he ages, he’s discovered that he has to watch the stress he puts on his back. A 45+ male lightweight rower told me he rows with a drag of 115-120. To give masters specific rowers parameters for setting the drag factor, I asked various masters and coaches to share their experiences. There is specific advice for Masters Rowers C2 Drag Factors Year 7 – below 100 to 100 (girls & boys) (use the speed strap to go below 100)įemale heavyweight (over 61.5 kg) – 120-130įemale lightweight (under 61.5 kg) – 115-125 A common mistake is setting drag too high.Ĭredit to RowPerfect UK for their comprehensive article on drag factor (which you should read), we're cribbing some recommendations: Rowing is a cardiovascular exercise, not weightlifting. The lever on the side of the fan of a Concept2 rower changes how much air is allowed in/out of the fan assembly and affects how quickly it slows. ErgData is the most basic (freebie from C2) where the others offer built in guided workouts and premium subscription options. ErgData, ASensei, ErgZone, and KREW all do that and present data differently. Use an app that syncs to the Concept2 online logbook so you can track progress. Use tools to help track progress automatically. (and that could take months) Steady State Results: 2 months in.

(skip the optional workouts in square brackets) You'll eventually be thinking things are too easy - then you can add intensity, duration, or volume.

The Concept2 workout of the day is a good start, as is the Pete Plan for Beginners. (the Row Australia videos linked above are good guides) Don't move the camera - this isn't a dynamic artsy video, it's a technical one.
#Stamina 1399 ats air rower full#
We STRONGLY suggest using a tripod-type selfie stick at about shoulder height, 90-degrees to the side with the full slide in view so we can clearly see your entire technique. We have a weekly, judgement-free form critique thread where you can post a video if you'd like feedback. Use the force curve on the Concept2 PM3, PM4, or PM5 as a feedback tool on form: Row Australia has GREAT videos on technique and setup:ĭark Horse Rowing's YouTube channel is a great resource with videos that demonstrate proper rower setup and technique and more advanced workout videos. You fall to the level of your systems." - James Clear "You do not rise to the level of your goals. Other machines of value: legit "WaterRower brand" water tank rowers, RowPerfect RP3, Oartec DX and Slider, older Concept2 Model C, possibly Model B. If you want a Concept2 Model D, follow /u/lyothan's advice ( here) to use a page monitoring site: Rogue Fitness USA & Canada gets new stock once or twice a week, usually 150-250 rowers at a time. TL DR: Concept2 is the gold standard and despite supply chain issues with the pandemic, you can get one in under a week if you put in some effort. Your post will be locked if it's clearly addressed in the above discussion. Before you post, read this: Erg Shaped Objects (ESOs) This or a variant of it is the THE most common, repeated topic of this sub-Reddit. The single most commonly posted question/discussion: I'm thinking of buying an indoor rowing machine. With this indoor rowing machine – and all of our rowing machines – you’ll also strengthen your legs, back, abdominals and arms.First, a few resources so they don't get buried: Proven to provide an aerobic workout while minimizing the impact on your joints, the Stamina ATS Air Rower 1402 is your path to results. Rowing is one of the best exercises for building a strong, conditioned body. When you’re finished with your workout, the rower easily folds up and can be rolled out of the way while not in use. The textured handle and oversized foot pedals add to your comfort and stability. The aluminum seat rail on the 1402 ensures a smooth sliding action for the padded seat. The air rowing machine comes loaded with features. The three window readout workout monitor gives you feedback with strokes per minute, total strokes, distance, speed, time, and calories burned. The resistance decreases as you slow your rowing stroke. As you row harder, the resistance increases. The Air Transfer System (ATS) adjusts the resistance constantly to match your rowing speed. The ATS Air Rower 1402 from Stamina Products is engineered to fit your workout.